Beiträge von mibu1


    kann mir jemand diesen LOG-Fehler erklären? Das Spiel startet zwar, aber ich kann mich nicht mehr bewegen.

    [hide]PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    data/character/farmer/farmer_player.i3d (2.40mb in 170.31 ms)
    PhysX invalid parameter: Scene::setActorPairFlags: The two actor references must not reference the same actor.
    PhysX invalid parameter: NpScene::createJoint: desc.isValid() fails!

    Ich wäre euch sehr dankbar!

    MfG mibu1