Bedeutung LOG-Fehler

  • Hallo,

    kann mir jemand diesen LOG-Fehler erklären? Das Spiel startet zwar, aber ich kann mich nicht mehr bewegen.

    [hide]PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    data/character/farmer/farmer_player.i3d (2.40mb in 170.31 ms)
    PhysX invalid parameter: Scene::setActorPairFlags: The two actor references must not reference the same actor.
    PhysX invalid parameter: NpScene::createJoint: desc.isValid() fails!

    Ich wäre euch sehr dankbar!

    MfG mibu1

  • also die Static actor moved sind entweder von einem gescalten object auf der map, oder einem static verbauten teil in einem vehicle.

    bei den unteren beiden bin ich mir nicht sicher, aber beim letzten glaube ich wurde ein joint falsch zuewiesen, vllt auf ein mesh?.

Jetzt mitmachen!

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