Hallo everyone! Since I'm from Denmark I'm making this topic in english, which I hope is okay!
PL Agro is a big farming cooperation with 2 big farms. One farm is an arable farm that farms 1850 hectares with winterwheat, springbarley, oil seed rape, sugarbeet, soybeans and corn. The grain is mostly used for feed, and the sugarbeet is for the local sugar factory.
The arable farm employ 5 people(including me), and we have some extra hands during harvest and seeding if nescesary.
I am farm manager, which means I'm telling everyone what to do, and when to do it. Besides that I'm helping in the field when needed.
The other farm is a big slaughter pig farm. It produces 75.000 pigs per year. The arable farm delivers all the feed, and takes all the slurry.
A local trucking company takes care of most of the logistics concerning crops and slurry. This makes our tasks in the field very effective!
Now for the interesting part - the machines!
1x JD 8370R
1x JD 8320R
2x JD 7310R
1x JD 6155m
1x Case 721F wheelloader
1x Claas Lexion 780TT
1x Claas Lexion 770TT
2x Vario 1230 cutters
2x Claas Conspeed 8 row.
1x Holmer Terra Dos T4.30 9 row.
1x Kaweco 30.000L slurry tanker.
1x Hardi Commander 5500 sprayer, 30 meter.
1x Horsch Pronto 9DC
1x Horsch Maestro 12 SW
1x Väderstad CarrierXL 825
1x Väderstad Topdown 700
1x Bredal F2WS fertilizer spreader
1x Bergmann GTW430 overloader trailer
2x Krampe Bandit 800
And other small machines, weights and so on.